
29 February

PicMonkey Collage

The good

Joe and Joey replaced the headlight in my Subaru.

I go through so many headlights in that car. I need a new one at least once a year.

the fun

It’s been warm enough to walk the beaches again!

the random

I have an academic calendar/day planner. It has exactly the spaces and lines that I need.

But, I am starting to need to keep track of a few things that take place after June…

Mosaic Monday
The good, the random, the fun
making your home sing

red legged chicken stands ready to strike · tables of paperwood · Winter · yellow delaney would sleep well at night

bells in the distance

In a dream you kiss me at sunrise

 when the skies run with mist and scarlet

your warm touch on my skin

is a threat to undo me

 the alarm bell makes me jump

as I cross into the world of the living

and standing with a group of people on the train I realize

there is not enough time for all the things I want you to do to me

The Sunday Whirl